October 24 and 31 were benchmark days in the lives of two congregations, the Frostburg Covenant Brethren Church and the Center Hill Covenant Brethren Church. It was on those auspicious days that both congregations joined CBC, adding to a growing list of churches and starting new chapters in the lives of their church families.
First to join CBC was the Frostburg church pastored by Mark Durst. CBC Executive Committee Chairman Grover Duling visited the congregation to present them with their covenant agreement and to present Pastor Durst with his ordination certificate. There a great deal of joy as the board chair (right) and the pastor (left) received their respective certificates.
Next, Grover traveled to Center Hill to present them with their certificates. The excitement in this church was infectious and the scope of the ministries that this church is involved in was inspiring. Not only is it a church filled with a great representation of all ages, but it is a church that is active in sharing the Gospel in its community in a wide variety of ways. In an unexpected move, Pastor Dan Peters and the congregation presented CBC with a generous financial gift for the furtherance of denominational ministries. A true spirit of love and cooperation was present as all looked forward to the continuing ministry and expansion of the Covenant family.
Craig Howard – Structural and Regional Development Committee