Sea of Galilee from my 2017 Trip

One Saturday I spent some time alone at the church. The closed blinds in the media room hid the light of day. I was caught up in a task; then when finishing up, I was startled by the sudden rumble of thunder.  I was so focused on the job at hand that I failed to notice the storm that had snuck up on me. Thank God I was indoors under a roof that sheltered me.

It was then that I began to think of the mighty hand of God; His provision and protection. Even amid life’s storms, He is there. Again, I recalled the story of Jesus asleep on the boat when the disciples thought they were about to bite the dust. He spoke to the waves, and the wind and they listened (Mark 4).NKJV

Storms come upon us. Living for Christ doesn’t exempt us from challenges in this life. When we approach them correctly and allow God to be God, we will witness His awesome work.

People become overwhelmed by the hard seasons of life. My testimony includes rough spots that I didn’t want to face at the time. But now that I can look back, I see He was using them for His glory. He was molding me to be more of what He wanted.

God is powerful; His Word testifies to that. He loves us and is always faithful even when the storms arrive. In Proverbs, Solomon shares these words, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). NKJV

I have often said that with my finite mind, it is hard to comprehend His infinite wisdom. We look to an all-knowing (omniscience), all-powerful (omnipotent), and a God that is always there (omnipresent).

Human beings will never understand how or the various ways that He works, but we must trust all that He does. Paul writes in Romans, “And we know that [a] God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28) NKJV

When storms hit, it’s hard to imagine what He might want to accomplish. It may be through adversity that God draws someone closer to Him and it may be that God allows something bad for His glory to be revealed.

By Jeremy Dykes – Executive Board Member