Heavenly Father, You are our Rock and our Savior. (Psalm 89:26) We praise you above all things in Heaven and on earth. We are grateful for your grace and mercy and that you are patient in not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) We are amazed how Your Mighty hand is working through the Covenant Brethren Church and ask You to give us wisdom and discernment and provide opportunities and everything we need to bear fruit and reach the uttermost parts of the world to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for the following congregations and pastors:

  • Maison du Potier Congregation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa and Pastor Kifuluga Asani Alaiz
  • Malinde Congregation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa and Pastor Filido Ngarama Kabene

CBC Prayer Committee