Direct my footsteps according to Your word.
Psalm 119:133

Several years ago, I had the privilege of accompanying a Virginia Game Department Technician on a bear trapping project. The summer morning we went to Rockingham County was warm and humid and my expectations were high. Sure enough, when we neared the target area, a bear had been caught which we tranquilized, assessed, and released. It was totally cool.

After processing the bear and setting her free, the technician then reset the trap. I learned that it is not uncommon for black bears to step exactly in the tracks of other bears as they travel their trails. So as this trap was reset, this bit of information was used against the big black bruins. The setup was designed so that a careless bear would wonder down the trail in the tracks of what he or she would think was another bear right into the waiting snare.

In addition to making what appeared to be friendly well used bear tracks, the technician also carefully removed all twigs and rocks from each footprint that might cause a bear to hesitate. Bears avoid making unnecessary noise and will sidestep even the smallest of objects. The final touch was the aromatic and delicious bait that would attract the attention of even the most satisfied bear. As we left the woods that day, the stage was well set for another successful trapping.

Too often our adversary, the Devil, uses similar tactics on us. After baiting his trap with all sorts of delightful attractants, he carefully hides all traces of his wariness and then makes it appear as though everyone is doing it. Sadly, he doesn’t have to lie about this for all too often, the way of sin is a well-worn path. Many times we blindly retrace the tracks left by others and end up in painful predicaments.

This should be a stern warning for each of us to carefully watch whom we follow in life. Walking in someone else’s footsteps is a very good thing if they are the footsteps of Jesus. On the other hand, tracks left by other humans will often lead us right into the center of cruel bondage. Let’s examine our life paths carefully and wisely ask the Lord to reveal anything that isn’t right. And let’s be sure to follow the Master’s footsteps that lead us away from spiritual harm, and into joy and blessing.

George Bowers – Executive Board Member