Recently my wife Deb and I had a yard sale. A lot of old treasures that had not been used for a while were dragged out, cleaned, and moved to the driveway. One item was an old hardwood desk and chair from the Mountville Elementary School when Deb was a youngster. I thought it would be a popular item. But as it turns out, no one hardly glanced at it.

That all changed late in the afternoon when a mother and her two children stopped by. The little girl in her pink bike helmet immediately went to the little desk. She wanted it! Her momma said, “No!”  She wanted it! Her momma gave one reason after another why they should not buy the desk. “There’s no room in your bedroom.”  “You’ll soon outgrow it.”  But for each reason, the little girl had a reasonable answer. She wanted it!

Finally, Mom said, “Let’s call Daddy and ask him to come look at it.”  I am a dad of a daughter. I knew at that moment, “Sold!”  While waiting for the dad the mother decided to cross the street to our neighbor’s yard sale. But the little girl, pink bike helmet, and all announced she was not leaving because someone might come along and buy the desk. So as her momma and brother left, she sat right down. This was her desk, and she was not going anywhere!

Dad came, she pleaded her case, and soon the desk and chair were being loaded in their car. Sold!

In Acts 2 we are told the story of young Christianity at its growth point. What had been 120 persons was now over 3000! Like CBC, the young church had grown dramatically in a noticeably brief time. We began with forty-nine persons in 2019 and today represent more than 11,000 in 150 congregations in the U.S. and several other nations worldwide. How does that happen?

Dr. Luke records, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  Acts 2:42 NIV

The word translated here as “devoted” means “to persist in dedication.” (Complete Biblical Library) To what? To God’s Word, each other, the ordinances, and prayer.

My little girl in the pink bike helmet was certainly devoted to that desk! And we, dear brothers, and sisters, like the first Christians, must remain “devoted” (persisting in dedication) to God’s unchanging Word. And to each other. And to the ordinances given in the Bible that strengthen, empower, and unite the church! And to prayer, fervent and effectual that availed much! (See James 5:16)

There will be and are many diversions and distractions that will seek to weaken our devotion. Let us stand strong! Let’s be devoted!  Let’s grow!

Larry M. Dentler, Executive Board member