Life is something we all experience. It is abundant all around us, from turtles that have lived over two hundred years to mayflies that come out of the water, fly into the woods to procreate, and then fly back to the water, lay their eggs, and die, all in one or two days.
We do not often consider life itself, but we should take some time and consider what life is and where it comes from.
The Truth Bible study looked at a simple single-cell life form and discussed its complexity. That single cell has many parts; Flagellin motors, amino acids, spike proteins, and many others. Parts are dying and regenerating. And the complexity of the parts is not the only obstacle to life randomly happening. Many of the parts, like amino acids, have a short window of existence. So not only would all those parts have to come together, but in the exact brief time window. But then the assembly becomes impossible. The parts need to be assembled in a very intricate order to have a chance at life. It was compared to walking through the deepest part of the forest and finding your dream car, in your favorite color, running with a full tank of gas, with the radio tuned into a station with your favorite song on. No one would think that just happened by chance. Even that scenario is not complex enough to compare to the simplest life form.
Not only is life extremely complex, but it is also extremely fragile. Life requires the correct environment, food source, temperatures, oxygen, and many other factors to exist. It would be safe to say that all things cannot come together for life to start by chance.
But imagine for a moment that all the elements came together at the correct moment and were assembled in the exact order needed. Would that glob of mass start to live?
Science and medicine have made remarkable discoveries. But science has never been able to assemble mass and start the spark of life. But to consider this and state the simple, there is life. Where did life come from?
There is only one possibility: Psalms 104: 27-30 NIV. “All creatures look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust. When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.”
Life is sparked and created by the Spirit of God and even though it is abundant, it is a miracle. Only God can create it, and we should stand in awe and praise Him for this gift of life.
Jim Nolt – Executive Board