It never gets old to share with you about new churches coming into the Covenant Brethren Church.  The reason is why they tell us they are coming.  They want to be with a group that will stand firmly on the Word of God without apology and share that common bond in evangelistic ministry.

Pastors Henry and Janet Elsea and board chair Daniel Phillips signing the Covenant Agreement

Most recently the Barren Ridge Church, in the Harrisonburg, VA area, has joined the family of churches we call Covenant Brethren.  This was not a rushed decision for them.  Representatives of their church attended last year’s Annual Meeting and Worship Conference as well as early exploration meetings They had representatives from CBC come and answer questions.  They spent time in prayer and discussion and after all that, they followed what they believe was the leading of God and joined CBC.  Janet Elsea, one of the co-pastors of the church stated, “We are a bible believing church that wanted to be with like-minded people.”

Grover praying over the pastors and leadership of the church.

Since they had been following the development of CBC from the beginning, they knew we were that like-minded group. She went on to tell me that the whole face of the church has changed since joining.  There is a new spirit in the church, one that embraces love and hope.  The chair of their church board, after the church had taken their vote stated, “It feels good to be with a group that cares that we belong with them.”  Janet said, we feel like we haven’t just joined a denomination but a denominational family where people care that you are a part of them.

Receiving their Ordination

It was also in this meeting that Henry and Janet Elsea received their ordination from Covenant presented by Grover. Janet said this was a time when it just felt like a load was lifted and they were where they were supposed to be. The church received the challenge of the sermon that Grover left with them from Philippians 3:14, don’t look back but press forward to what God has for you in Christ.

It feels good to this writer to hear such things about the Covenant Brethren Church.  It is my prayer that we never loose sight of how important it is to make one another feel needed and wanted.  Isn’t that what Jesus has done for us?

Submitted by Craig Howard – Publications Committee