Alisa Childers
The Antioch Church, located at 23502 Senedo Rd, Woodstock, VA, is hosting another Apologetics Workshop on October 8 from 9:30-4pm. The speaker is Alisa Childers. Alisa is a singer and songwriter, and was in the Christian music group ZOEgirl. She is the author of Another Gospel and a blogger who writes about theology, culture, and deals with tough questions about truth. Alisa will be including information particularly geared to help young people effectively answer questions and share their faith with their peers.
Antioch is a Covenant Brethren Church congregation in Woodstock, VA one mile west of exit 283 on Interstate 81. The event is free and CEUs will be offered for pastors. For more information, call 540-459-3661.
Christian apologetics is the intellectual defense for the truth of the Christian faith. Many Christians tend to get a bit passionate when defending something they hold near and dear to their heart. Put simply, apologetics is the rational response against the objections people raise against Christianity. And over the course of 2,000 years, there have certainly been a few objections! If you would like to be able to give a reasoned response to such objections instead of feeling frustrated, folding your arms and being unable to engage in the conversation, then this workshop has something to offer you!
Come and join in the workshop. Become someone who is equipped to give an answer to the faith you hold so dearly.
Craig Howard – CBC Publications Committee