Jesus said in Mark 9:50, “Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other.” I am told that the word “salty” has picked up a lot of usage today among millennials. If someone is salty, it means that they are exceptionally bitter, angry or upset. Even in the 20th century, if someone was salty it meant that they were rude and tough, often associated with rough-and-tumble sailors who were described as “old salts.”

Certainly Jesus wasn’t asking His disciples to be rude or bitter or angry. But He was calling us to be flavorful…meaning that once encountered, there would be a distinct, detectable, noticeable aftertaste…of Jesus. He is not looking for bland and insipid disciples. He is looking for those who are committed to following Him closely so that their lives will mirror His and leave a trail of Christian flavor, all the while, being at peace with each other.

Jesus left us a tall order – be flavorful and peaceful. In doing so, we will be His unmistakable witnesses in the world.

Eric Brubaker – CBC Executive Board member
(This is Eric’s final article as a member of the CBC Executive Board. Please continue to pray for him as he steps into his new role as lead minister of the Middle Creek Church. Thank you, Brother Eric, for your excellent service.)