Your CBC Executive Board has had a busy couple months leading up to, including, and following the Annual Meeting and Worship Conference (AMWC). Since the AMWC report came out recently, we won’t revisit all the exciting God-things that happened there! If you missed it, however, you owe it to yourself and to the Lord to go back and watch it on

Prior to the opening session at AMWC, the Board met at Chiques Church and in addition to approving the minutes and treasurer’s report, we welcomed five new congregations in Rwanda including Gahenerezo, Mukamira Nyabihu, Gacurabwenge, Kinogo, and Bushenyi Gakenke. Say those ten times fast. We also approved ordination for another pastor. In addition, a small revision was approved to the CEU policy for ordained ministers.

The Board met after the last general session on Saturday, July 20 to ordain Bro Gustavo Linde of the Dominican Republic. We also welcomed new Executive Board member, Bro Jeremy Dykes and welcomed back reelected members Bros Grover Duling and Jim Nolt. We shared brief observations about the AMWC and voted to invite Bro Jim Myer to continue to serve on the Executive Board as Emeritus.

The Board held an emergency meeting on July 31 to discuss recent developments with some of our African congregations. The governments in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda have instituted new policies that have closed several of our CBC churches in those two countries. The Board authorized funds and assistance to the CBC leaders in these countries to work on securing approval. Please pray for our churches to reopen and continue to share Jesus.

The August meeting of the Board was held on the 12th and we welcomed 6 new CBC congregations in Burundi including Gatumba, Gitega, Kabonga, Muyange Nyanza, Ntahangwa, and Rugombo. We also approved ordination for another new pastor. These additions bring CBC to 147 congregations with 11,460 members and we have credentialed 189 ministers. It’s amazing to see what God has done in such a short time and what He continues to do!

Bros Grover Duling and Scott Kinnick will be traveling to the Dominican Republic in early September at their invitation to preach the Gospel and discuss CBC with congregations there. In addition, Bro Scott will be going to Columbia, South America with Samaritan’s Purse to minister to refugees from Venezuela later in September. They and other Board members continue to visit inquiring congregations in this country as well. Please pray for safety and God’s blessing on all of these as they represent Jesus and CBC in their journeys.

Thank you for your prayers for your Executive Board and continue to lift us up!

George Bowers, Executive Board Secretary