Recently Grover Duling and Scott Kinnick traveled to Puerto Rico as representatives of the national board to offer encouragement and blessing to our churches in that region. The Puerto Rico region currently has six churches and there is some work underway to begin a seventh. The Region is led by Jose’ Calleja Otero and is thriving.

They have started and run a Christian school in the town of Bayamon since the government closed many smaller schools in 2020, due to earthquake damage and a realignment of educational philosophies. They were able to secure one of the buildings that was closed and, after a lot of work, put it back in its proper condition for use, and opened the school. It operates as a K-12 using the Accelerated Christian Education program and has around twenty students with more students coming each year. God is blessing the program there and the students are blessed to have this beautiful facility where they are receiving a Christ-centered education.

Grover and Scott were each blessed with the opportunity to preach at one of the local churches and share a meal with the loving church families. It was exciting to see what God is doing for CBC in that region and to see what the larger church can do to be a part of it. We are excited that our youth mission trip will be to this region this year and look forward to our fellowship together with them. It will allow us to serve together.
Submitted by Craig Howard – Publications Committee