Responding to our Lord’s call to reach out to an unbelieving and hurting world, recently the CBC Executive Board made the decision to dedicate 10% of all monies received by the Covenant Brethren Church to mission work, outreach and evangelism. The CBC Missions Committee would like to report on four projects that have been selected for initial support. The Executive Board of CBC has endorsed these projects and will continuously monitor their effectiveness. The entire CBC leadership group would like to thank everyone that has made this outreach possible. The four selected areas of need listed below are just the beginning of this ongoing work. We believe strongly that the most important part of all Church work wraps around Matthew 25 and Matthew 28, and if we as Christians disregard this requirement, we have missed our call to our “reasonable service” for the King.
Also, we recognize that our local churches have their own agencies and projects that they support, and we want to encourage them in their faithful work. If a CBC church would like to share a project for the larger church to consider, please feel free to do so. We won’t be able to address all that are brought up, but we will prayerfully consider each one.
The four areas of outreach we have supported thus far include:
1. The Ministry of Jesus, Togo west Africa – $750.00
There is a great need to support the education of young girls in this country. As they learn a trade and come to Jesus, their family considers them to have value, and they are less likely to be sold/traded for a wife to a strange and much older man.
Also, children are plagued with worms in many of the villages. $1.00 American can provide medication/proper nutrition to save a child’s life.

2. Live Him Loud Ministries – Guatemala $500.00
Of the many areas of their support to the local people, This particular outreach of “Live Him Loud Ministries” takes Bibles, food and the Salvation message to many, many villages in that country. Some of us will be making a trip to this Country in August and we will be using these funds to purchase Bibles for distribution. Each Bible is about $2.30

3. Democratic Republic of the Congo
Church Building Project in Goma – $1,000.00
This project is a continuation of work started by Brethren Churches in the Southeast. This picture is of a church in the Congo built earlier and represents the present project for the new church at Goma.
The folks in this area of the world have just been through a volcanic eruption where 15 people were killed. They need our prayers.

4. Kamwe Bible Printing Project – $1000.00
Our support is just a small portion of the total need for this project of aprox. $146,000. We encourage individuals to consider this as a personal outreach or through their local congregation.
After years of work, they are now just a few months away from the typesetting of the entire Kamwe Bible. But before the Bible can be printed, Kamwe Christians must raise the daunting amount of over $146,000 — their half of the cost of printing 30,000 copies. (Wycliffe Bible Translators is raising the other half.). If you would like to help the Kamwe church meet this urgent need with a gift, please follow these instructions:
Go to:
Choose: “Donate: online”
Select: “Specific Project”
Add Comment: “for Scripture publication #4633, Kamwe Bible”

My dear sisters and brothers, again, we at CBC want to thank you for making it possible for us to help support these areas of need in our world. Remember, this is just the beginning of the outreach CBC has in mind. If you or your church would choose to send additional support to these projects, we can assure you that the monies will be used as designated. If we can be of assistance, please contact us. May God richly bless you in your Christian walk.
The CBC Missions Team