This past April 7th through 12th this hard-working team traveled to Mayfield Kentucky to help rebuild houses that had been destroyed by a category 4 tornado with sustained winds of 195 miles per hour. The tornado cut a swath through Mayfield 2 years ago killing over 20 people and completely wrecking an enormous amount of property. Homes, businesses, churches, and government facilities were ruined by this storm. Samaritan’s Purse moved in and has been here since the beginning doing clean-up, helping people in need, and rebuilding homes for those who had lost everything.

While there, the group got to see three homes completed and dedicated. During the ceremony, a bill was offered to the homeowner that gave them the cost of their house with a red stamp on it that said paid in full. The homeowners were told this is symbolic of our sin debt that was paid in full by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.

The family was then given the keys to their house and they walked into their new home complete with furniture and appliances. They ran from room to room looking at their new bedrooms and kitchen. The homes were even equipped with a tornado-proof bathroom with a 200-pound steel door and concrete walls and ceiling providing a safe place where the homeowner will never again have to fear a tornado. An entire housing development has been built by Samaritan’s Purse called New Hope Acres. 57 homes have been built so far with 20 more to be completed The development was built over the last 2 years with 97 teams of people from all over the country, and from all different churches and walks of life.

It is great that CBC is in partnership with such an amazing organization. We were blessed to have a small part in what happened in Mayfield bringing blessing to that community. Of course, it was not possible to meet every need in the community, but over 90 families were blessed beyond measure and many people were touched by the gospel as they saw the Samaritan’s Purse trucks and trailers going all over town proclaiming, on the side and across the back that they are serving in Jesus name. We thank God that the CBC team had the privilege to be a part of that and look forward to other similar opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world by carrying His love and message of salvation while serving the hurting.

Submitted by Craig Howard – Publications Team