It has happened again and there are more to come. Churches continue to line up to become a part of this wonderful organization that we call Covenant Brethren Church. It truly is staggering to consider. We are very close to becoming one of the larger Brethren Denominations and we are still receiving calls from churches, both in the US and abroad, wanting to know what they need to do to become part of this organization that holds fast to the Word of God and holds one another accountable to remain true to that word. It is humbling to here from these churches who say they feel like a weight has been lifted from their shoulders. A weight of compromise and excuses.
Most recently the Newport Church in Newport Virginia has been received into the fold. Pastor Duane Painter, the board chair, Jimmy Martz and approximately 90 congregants were on hand for the signing of the covenant agreement.

At the end of the service Grover had all the leadership of the church come forward and had a prayer of blessing and protection over them. He encouraged the congregation to pray for their leaders that God would use them to move their church forward. The deacons of the church expressed a sincere desire to be a working church within the CBC and to see what God had in store for their church as He used them to forward His work within their new denomination.
The service was filled with joy and blessing and a genuine belief that God was doing something special in their church and were excited to see how He was going to manifest that gift.
Submitted by Craig Howard – Publication Committee