Church Physical Address

Has your church physical address changed?

Church Mailing Address

Has your church mailing address changed?
Has your church email address changed?
Has your church phone changed?
Has your church website address changed (url)?
Has your church Facebook address changed (url)?
Has your church YouTube address changed (url)?
Would you like to update your church picture on the CBC website?

Report Request:
Please provide your church’s current information to help us keep our records up to date. This not only helps us stay connected but also gives us a clearer picture of our CBC denomination.

If you have any questions or need a hand filling out the form, please reach out to the Covenant Brethren Church Office at 304-534-8010 or

Form Password:
To submit this form, please enter the form password included in the email you received. This password is unique to your request and helps keep everything secure.