Adult and Youth Fellowship Activities Committee

Purpose: Work to develop and maintain a viable youth camping program and work to develop youth conferences. Also to develop a men’s and women’s fellowship program and promote youth and children’s Ministries.

Annual Meeting Program Planning and Arrangements Committee

Purpose: Plan and execute the CBC annual meeting.

Church Planting and Evangelism Committee

Purpose: To Be Determined

Editorial Committee

Purpose: Preexisting committee that worked to develop the statement of faith. It will be called to service as needed.


Purpose: Historian

Ministerial Leadership Committee

Purpose: Consider potential candidates for license/ordination, consider churches for covenant agreement, and provide accountability for all ministers and congregations.

Ministerial Training Committee

Purpose: Develop a ministerial training program, manage the delivery of training courses, work to develop CEU opportunities including scheduled ethics trainings for pastors and churches, & set Mentors for pastors in training.

Missions, Outreach, Disaster Support Committee

Purpose: Develop a viable missions and outreach program working in conjunction with existing agencies as much as possible. Develop a disaster support program working with existing agencies as much as possible. Church planting and revitalization programs and promote evangelism.

Policy and Polity-Legal Committee

Purpose: Make sure CBC is in line with all necessary legal requirements. Continue to work with the 501c3 process and provide legal guidance for churches.

Prayer Committee

Purpose: Continues from the early formative days of CBC. It will work to develop and publish monthly prayer topics to be distributed through our CBC website, face book page and the mail chimp listings. And it will be available to lead devotions and prayer at all CBC meetings.

Public Relations, Publications, News Articles Committee

Purpose: Developing publications to promote CBC, write news articles for the website and face book page, and develop an online CBC news page.

Stewardship Committee

Purpose: Develop a budget, monitor spending, and oversee fundraising.

Structure and Regional Development Committee

Purpose: Continue to work with the ongoing needs to enhance the CBC Structure and work to develop and support new regions of CBC churches.