“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19

The Church today, in 2022, is alive and well. The Church, created by, built by, and sustained by none other than Jesus Christ, continues to have a job to do. As the Head of the Church, Jesus has given us orders as to what we are to do. Known as the “Great Commission”, this statement is a primary focus in how the Gospel is to be presented to people. Individual congregations are often concerned about growth. The solution given by Jesus is found in His instruction: go, tell others about Him. Invite others to consider Him.

In telling us to go, Jesus is expecting us to be active in the work of the Church. When we strive to be obedient to His teaching, we should do as He says. Christ’s teachings are not suggestions or empty words but are intended to be put into practice. Evangelism is needed in the life of the Church and in the individual Christian’s life. To be obedient to His word, we must take the gospel message outside of the walls of our church buildings and speak to those who don’t yet know Him. We are surrounded by a hurting society that desperately needs God. How will people hear about Him if no one tells them? Remember, someone introduced you to the gospel.

We live in a world that is full of sin and unaware of the word of God. People are seeking answers to their problems, but most don’t seem to know where to find those answers. We, as born-again believers have the answer in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A vision statement is what an organization would like to achieve in the future. To continue the work that Christ has given us to do, it would be wise to claim His vision for the activity of the Church. The Great Commission has certainly stood the test of time and never been found wanting. It should be our vision as well.

Scott Kinnick – CBC Executive Board member