Left to right: Jim Myer, Scott Kinnick, Stafford Frederick, George Bowers, Grover Duling, Fred Shank, Craig Alan Myers, Larry Dentler, and Jim Nolt
Recent News from the Board
Summary of February CBC Executive Board Meeting
Your CBC Executive Board met via Zoom on February 24 and again processed much business. The highlight of the meeting was the approval and reception of 19 new congregations! Yes! 19! Eleven of these [...]
Summary of January CBC Executive Board Meeting
The CBC Executive Board met by Zoom on January 28. Bro Jeremy Dykes opened in prayer and the minutes and treasurer’s report were approved. The treasurer duties have now been completely transferred to Bro [...]
Summary of CBC December Executive Board Meeting
The Executive Board of the Covenant Brethren Church met by Zoom on December 16. Bro Carl Brubaker thanked God for His blessings and prayed for the new leaders about to be installed in the [...]
Executive Board Upcoming Speaking Engagements