It was 12 years ago.  But recently the event came to mind and seems so appropriate a reminder for today.  My grandson Jericho was just two years old.  It was a Pap and Jericho day and I was strapping him into my old 1986 Plymouth Horizon for our trip.  There was no fancy, easy to use LATCH systems for the car seat in this 1986 model. Not even a shoulder belt. So I buckle him into the car seat and then stretch the lap belt across the car seat. Jericho was buckled securely in the car seat, but I had not yet brought the lap belt across him to secure the car seat. I noticed that he was a little tight for leg room so I walked to the front seat to slide it forward. Something happened. I simply heard a clunk. And then a very calm…

“Pappy … fall down,
Pappy … fall down,
Pappy … fall down.”

I turned to see the car seat laying on its side with Jericho still securely in the car seat. He was hanging half in the car and half out the open door. His little head was wedged under the arm rest on the open door. But he wasn’t crying, or distressed, he was very calmly just calling out to me, “Pappy … fall down!”

As I reflected on that moment and his calm calling out to me it occurred to me that he was not worried or afraid because he trusted completely that Pappy would rescue him from his dilemma.

There is a lot going on in our world today!  So much!  Things can seem at times to be spinning out of control.  When I feel overwhelmed am I as calm that when I “fall down” that my Heavenly Father will without a doubt come to my rescue?

When world events distress me.  When life knocks me down. When the bottom falls out. When tomorrow seems uncertain.  When I’m stuck with my head wedged under the arm rest of life. Do I simply, calmly call out, “Father … fall down,”

After all, our Great God has made some wonderful amazing promises to us!

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 NIV

“The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved.”  Psalm 96:10 NIV

Dear ones … know how very much you are loved and cared for!  The Lord has everything in control according to His perfect will.  That no ache of body or soul goes unnoticed by your God. That no one – not one person – ever – has been ignored when they in desperation and trust cry out to Him…

Father … fall down,
Father … fall down,
Father … fall down.

Thankful for my Lord who has always been there for me when I cry …

“Father … fall down.”

Larry Dentler – Executive Board Member