As many of you know from my devotional about driving a stock car at Pocono Speedway, I follow NASCAR auto racing.  It’s the only professional sport I’m aware of that begins each event with an unapologetically Christian prayer broadcast on national TV at NASCAR’s insistence to the broadcasters!  Like most professional sports in our broken world, some things happen in NASCAR that make me cringe.  But I’ve been a fan for a long time.

Richard Petty is a retired NASCAR driver.  Richard is 87 years old.  Fans refer to him as “the King,” because he has won 200 races and seven championships in his “Petty blue” cars.  His daddy, Lee, was a NASCAR driver before him, as was Richard’s son, Kyle.  His grandson Adam was the fourth generation Petty driver until his life was cut short in a 2000 accident at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.

Recently I heard an interview with Richard where he reflected on the loss of his grandson.  He said that he didn’t leave the house for several weeks. Many of us can relate to the deep grief of a sudden, unexpected loss of a loved one.  Because of Richard’s fame, he received thousands of sympathy cards.  One in particular spoke to him.  The woman who sent the card wrote this quote in it.  “Don’t put a question mark where God has put a period,” Richard said the quote challenged him to act upon his Christian faith.  If we claim to be Christian and trust that God is in control of everything, then even when things happen that we don’t understand, or like, our faith must lead us to trust God and walk forward. It doesn’t mean that we don’t grieve or struggle, but it does mean that we know God’s in control and move forward in trust.

Have you faced something in your life that has challenged your faith?  A loss?  An illness?  A broken relationship?   Our Lord Jesus, who is the true King, has given us great promises in His Word for such a time as this. “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”   Hebrews 13:5 NIV

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  And even the very hairs of your head are numbered.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth many sparrows.”  Matthew 10:29-30 NIV

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”  1 Peter 7 NIV

If you are going through some difficult time or loss, know that the Lord is with you!  Your CBC family is too.  We would love to pray for you!  Call the national office at 304-534-8010 and we’ll add you to our prayer list.  And “Don’t put a question mark where God has put a period.”  His ways are perfect as is His love and care for you!

Larry M. Dentler, Executive. Board