There has been a recent flurry of activity as churches in several states have reached out to the Covenant Brethren Church requesting information. Many of them are taking the steps to join while others are giving prayerful consideration to joining.

One recently visited church was the White Branch Church near Richmond Indiana. (above) Craig Alan Myers, Grover Duling, and Craig Howard met with members of this congregation, and with representatives from two other nearby congregations on March 30th to share information and to answer their questions. There was a great deal of interest, and many important questions were answered. The CBC representatives were met with warmth and appreciation, and it is our hope that these churches will soon be joining the CBC family.

On March 27th, Grover Duling, Joe Brown, and Craig Howard traveled to the Johnstown, PA area. The first stop was the Tire Hill Church of the Brethren to present them with their Covenant Agreement, bringing their church into the CBC family. Grover presented the document to the leaders of that church, and Craig prayed as we laid hands on them. Also, three ordinations were presented to Royden Airesman, Frank Young, and Jack Rupert. (left)

The three CBC representatives then traveled to meet with Dan Rhodes, the pastor of the Moxham Church of the Brethren, (right) for the purpose of presenting him with his CBC ordination. A warm welcome was received at both churches, but that was not the end of the day’s activities.

Brian Coffman (left) also received his Licensure Certificate from Region Three Temporary Executive Board President Joe Brown. Brian is the pastor of the Yellow Creek Church in Region Three. As the picture shows, he was excited to become a part of the Covenant Brethren Denomination!

Mike Saturday (right), pastor of the Asher Glade Congregation, received his ordination and his church joined the CBC family.

Also added to the growing Covenant Brethren denomination were the Sandy Creek Congregations and their pastor Mike Bernard. These include the Hazelton, Clifton Mills, and Shady Grove congregations (below). We are excited to see these three join the Covenant Brethren family of churches and the Central Allegheny Region.

The Jordon Run Union Church became part of the CBC on February 2nd. CBC Board Chair Grover Duling is pictured below presenting the Covenant Agreement to the congregation’s Board Chair.

One other pastor not pictured is David Mohr, also from Region Three. David recently received his Licensure Certificate from Region Three Temporary Executive Board President Joe Brown. We apologize to David for not having a picture but we are no less excited by his addition to our fellowship.

It truly is an exciting time for the CBC. Many more churches in the US and abroad are calling, asking for information on how they can become a part of CBC. They believe in our statement of faith and practices and are drawn to the like-minded fellowship we offer. At times, it is overwhelming to keep up with the requests for visits. Over this next year, we are expecting to add many more churches to this new and exciting denomination.

Submitted by the CBC Publications Committee – Craig Howard, Chair