On December sixth and seventh over 130 people, including many teens, from the Covenant Brethren Church joined thousands of others from all over the [...]
Today, we join together in joyful celebration as we proclaim: "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given... and [...]
As we approach the season of giving, let us remember the words of 2 Corinthians 9:7: “So let each one give as he purposes [...]
As fall draws to a close and winter looms ever nearer, so to our regional conference season has come to a close. All of [...]
Praise God for five new CBC congregations! In addition to Pipe Creek in Union Bridge, MD, the other four are in the Dominican Republic. [...]
Have you always wanted to take a mission trip to another country but were afraid? Have you always wondered about being in a different [...]
The New Beginnings Covenant Brethren Church in Midlothian, PA, has a couple of programs going that I saw as I read through their newsletter. [...]
On Saturday, October 20th the CBC Executive Board and the Covenant Circle representative board met at the CBC office in Fairmont to take care [...]
The CBC Executive Board (EB) held their monthly meeting in person at the CBC office in Fairmont, WV October 18-19. After opening devotions, the [...]
On Monday the 7th of October Lindsey Teets of Maple Spring, George Schell and Craig Howard of Brake Covenant Brethren Churches closed the doors [...]