We continue to think that things are going to slow down in the Covenant Brethren Church denomination. That the calls will stop coming in. That churches from all over the world will stop inquiring about joining CBC, but it isn’t happening. They keep calling. They keep coming. How they find out about us is confounding. The only answer is that God is directing them this way. God is directing them to a group of people who hold to the authority of the Word of God and who believe in people and churches being accountable to stay true to that Word.

Two more churches have just joined CBC and there are at least three more in the pipeline just in this country. There are many more outside of the US that are looking at CBC as well. The two that have just joined are former Church of the Brethren Churches so they are seeking to maintain their Brethren heritage by coming to CBC.

Shilo is a church just outside of Phillipi, West Virginia, Shilo is a well-established church with good diversity. Their Pastor, Todd Mauzer, loves the Lord and is a passionate preacher. On the day that Grover Duling and Leon Alt traveled there to present them with their covenant agreement there was a wonderful spirit in the service. Board chair Doug Mills participated in the signing of the Covenant Agreement. The service was followed with a carry-in meal and wonderful fellowship. They are excited to be part of the Covenant Brethren denomination and to find fellowship in the Central Allegheny Region.

Shilo signs Covenant Agreement

Mt. Zion Signing Covenant Agreement

Mt. Zion was another church to join. Located in the mountains near Beilington, WV, this church is pastored by Larry Poling. Larry has been actively serving the Lord for over 30 years but still has the same smile and joyful spirit that just make him the kind of person you want to be around. The church had a wonderful service as Grover presented them with their covenant agreement and joined them in a fellowship meal after the service. Grover admits, he is sure making out on all of these wonderful fellowship meals! This is a church that has a long-standing history of holding to the word of God and just the kind of church that CBC came into being to be a landing place for.

Moxham was the most recent church to join the CBC family. Pastor Dan Rhodes and board chair Jerry Baxter welcomed Grover Duling, Leon Alt and Joe Brown as the CBC representatives who came to convey the Covenant Agreement with the congregation. As a special part of this service, all of the church board members present came forward to be prayed over by CBC Region Three leader Joe Brown. Leon Alt led in a prayer of consecration for the pastor and then as a special treat, Danielle Rhodes, the pastor’s daughter, became the first person to transfer her membership to Moxham as a CBC church. A fellowship meal followed the service and it was a time of blessing for all present.

Moxham Covenant Agreement signed

Joe Brown leading prayer for church board

Leon Alt leading prayer for the pastor

First membership transfer into Moxham CBC

God continues to bless and very soon there will be more articles informing you of more churches, both nationally and internationally, that have become part of our Covenant Brethren Church family. Let’s do all we can through prayer and our involvement in our churches to make CBC a denomination that brings Glory to God as we move forward.

Submitted by Craig Howard – Publications Committee