On December sixth and seventh over 130 people, including many teens, from the Covenant Brethren Church joined thousands of others from all over the eastern United States, to process thousands of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to be sent to multiple places on every continent. Last year these Shoeboxes were responsible for starting over one thousand churches worldwide! Only God knows what the outcome will be next year.

You get a clear sense when you are in that building with all those other people working on getting the shoeboxes ready to go that you are part of something enormous. You can feel God doing something great that will change so many lives eternally; our CBC teams were a part of that. It is genuinely exciting to be part of something bigger than yourself that will make an eternal difference.

To all those who went from the Southern Region, the Blue Ridge Region, the Central Allegheny Region and Region Three, we truly want to say thank you for representing us. That does not minimize the huge number of CBC people who packed boxes back home and the local churches that hosted packing parties and saw to it that the boxes got to the drop off centers. Every person that was involved along the way has potentially, changed a life, or even many lives, forever!

Thank you to all and realize that you have become a part of one of the biggest ministries our world has ever seen. Praise God!!

Submitted by Craig Howard – Publication Committee