On many occasions, Jesus encouraged those around him to diligently seek blessings. In Matthew 7:7 we are told to “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” In Luke 6;38 we read, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your bosom…”

The story is told about a certain pastor who left his parsonage on Monday morning to head over to the church next door to begin his work at the church office when he noticed a small cat had crawled up to the top of a young tree. He tried all kinds of attempts to get the cat to come down but to no avail. So he continued on his way. On Tuesday morning he stepped out again, and sure enough, there was that same cat, refusing to come down.

All of a sudden he thought of another plan and so he backed the car out of the garage and stopped a few feet from the tree. He took a small rope out of the trunk and tied one end to the bumper of the car and the other end to the trunk of the small tree. Then getting back into the car he began to inch the car forward and the tree started to bend. Just about the time that he thought the tree was low enough to get the cat, the rope tore and the tree swung back to its upright position and the cat flew off and sailed up over the roof of the house! He put the rope and the car back in the garage and then walked around to the back of the house, but no cat was to be found. By the end of the week, he pretty well forgot all about this incident.

During the sharing time at his church the next Sunday morning, a lady who lived across the street from the back of the pastor’s house got up and related how an amazing thing happened on Tuesday morning. She said that she knew that most of the people there knew that she did not like cats. And she also said that some of the people knew that her little girl was begging for a cat. And she said that her daughter was at it again Tuesday morning. So I said to her, “Why don’t you go back to your bedroom and kneel by your bed and ask Jesus for a cat and if he wants you to have a cat he will see that you get one.”

Well, she did that and came out, opened the front door, and would you believe it, she looked up and a small kitten fell right out of the sky into her arms. Never underestimate the faith of a little child. And also don’t question the fact that God wants to bless your life. And for the believer, there is an eternity of blessing ahead. That is why it is going to require an eternity to get it all in.

Scripture citations are from the King James Bible

Jim Myer, CBC Executive Board