As fall draws to a close and winter looms ever nearer, so to our regional conference season has come to a close. All of our established regions have had the blessing of meeting together and sharing in worship, fellowship, and the business of the church. It was reported to me that all the conferences had a great and blessed experience.
The Southern region reported that their conference was one of the most spirit-filled experiences they have ever had at a regional meeting. John Collins was the keynote speaker but what was amazing was that of the four speakers at the conference, unknown to each other, they all chose the same scriptures to preach from.

The singing was amazing. The preaching was spirit-led, and the fellowship was sweet and centered on God’s love. Most of the participants left feeling revived and excited about what God is doing in the Southern Region of the Covenant Brethren Church. Their business was simple but unified in spirit. They elected officers, heard reports, and approved a budget and appointments. However, while the business was important, it was not the center of the focus of the conference. The focus was God and worshiping Him.
The Blue Ridge region held its conference which was attended by leaders from other regions. Their region addressed the topic of selecting a regional elder. This is something the national board has asked regions to help them stay focused and moving forward. While the office of the regional elder is primarily to be one of ministry and not administrative, that person or persons will work directly with the regional board and will bring concerns and ideas back to the board helping to keep it focused on the ministry of that region. The Blue Ridge Region chose to select a team of three people to fill this role instead of one person. Those people are Jon Prater, George Bowers, and Henry Elsie. The meeting was truly focused on being in the presence of God and to that end, Grover called the new Regional Elders and board members forward and anointed all of them with oil, and prayed over them for God’s blessing and wisdom in their leadership.
At the Region 3 conference, held at the Bermudian Church, a new region was born. During the meeting, the group separated into two groups. This was not born out of malice or anger or any type of disagreement but out of geography. The region covered a huge geographic area and now that numbers were sufficient to support two regions it was felt that the group should split and form a new region. Thus, the Susquehanna region was born. The two groups met separately for part of the conference and then came back together to finish the day. Larry Dentler was the keynote speaker and was two of the speakers who provided wonderful, spirit-filled preaching, stirring the hearts of the group to greater things as they strike out on separate paths.
Finally, there was the Central Allegheny Regional Conference. It was highlighted by the presence of two young men from Liberty University who led worship at the conference. You may remember them from the Annual Meeting and Worship Conference in Pennsylvania this year, Benjamin Palma of the Covenant Brethren Miracle Fishing Church in Guatemala and his friend Santiago, led in uplifting worship that blessed everyone present.

The conference had the theme led by moderator Phil Matthews of not looking back once we have put our hand to the plow. Phil gave a powerful moderator’s address on this topic and Scott Kinnick, as the keynote speaker, drove the theme home. Grover Duling was installed as the new Regional Elder, a role he had been filling as regional board chair. He was presented with a certificate and jacket to commemorate him being the first regional elder of this region. A few items of business were addressed and the conference ended with Grover’s anointing and prayer being said over all the officers of the region. Phill Matthews then passed the gavel to Mark Jones, the incoming moderator, and he adjourned the meeting.

The Puerto Rico region will have a meeting in early December. Scott Kennick and Grover Duling will be traveling there as national board chair and vice chair, to offer encouragement and share in the preaching.
Submitted by Craig Howard – Publication Committee