A few weeks ago, I was on my way to work just before daylight in very thick fog. A construction crew stopped a truck with a trailer and another truck in the north bound lane. A pickup truck went around them heading north in the south bound lane. I was driving in the south bound lane and slowed down to see what the parked construction vehicle was doing. When I saw the flashers and determined they had stopped, I kept going. I could not see the headlights of the pickup truck coming down my lane with the fog until I got past the headlights of the parked construction truck. I swerved, we hit corners and then I was stopped in my car with air bags deployed and quite a jolt. Suddenly it all happened. Thankfully no one was hurt. I had never been in an accident like this before.

We tend to think that things like this will never happen to us. We can also tend to think that God is not going to intervene when we think he should?

Ever since COVID it seems like our world is turned upside down. Black Lives Matter & ANTIFA riots burning and destroying American cities! COVID virus and lockdowns of society! Government corruption with what appears to be no consequences! Massive inflation! Hamas attacking Israel and killing innocent civilians!

It can be easy to get frustrated when it seems nothing is happening and say God, why don’t you do something? But I know that God’s timing is not my timing, and God’s ways are not my ways. When God is ready to act, then Suddenly he does.

When the Israelites were oppressed by the Egyptians for over 400 years, Suddenly God sent Moses and with many miracles freed the Israelites to travel to the Land promised to Abraham.

When the Midianites swarmed the land of Israel with too many men to count, Suddenly God used Gideon and 300 men to defeat them and save Israel.

When the Babylonians exiled Judah, God had king Cyrus let them return after 70 years just like God told them thru the prophet Jeremiah.

When the Israelites were oppressed by the Greeks, then the Romans, Suddenly God sent his Son and changed the world.

When Rome scattered the Israelites, which Jesus warned them on his final entry into Jerusalem, Israel was exiled from their homeland for over 1,900 years, then after the holocaust, Suddenly in 1948 they became a nation once again.

Suddenly things can happen we don’t want. But Suddenly God will do something we have been waiting and praying for a long time. It is easy to think that God has forgotten us, but we know that when God’s timing is right, Suddenly he will act, and we will worship in awe at what He will do. Come Lord Jesus, Come!

Jim Nolt – Executive Board