The CBC Executive Board held its April meeting in person at the Fairmont CBC Office April 19-20 and handled a lot of business going to 9:45pm the first night. Devotions and prayer times were led by various members of the Board and routine matters such as approval of minutes, treasurer’s report, and sharing of recent church visits were conducted.

One of the highlights was welcoming five new congregations into CBC including Barren Ridge (VA), Curryville (PA), Osage (KS), Jerusalem (DRC-Democratic Republic of Congo), and Bethlehem (DRC). The Board also ordained another minister. These additions bring total CBC congregations to 135 and the total number of ministers credentialed by CBC to 182.

The Board also reviewed the first draft of a CBC Polity Manual that seeks to capture all Executive Board business referring to policy. The Board approved the 2025 Budget that will be presented for action at this year’s Annual Meeting and Worship Conference (AMWC). Speaking of the AMWC, the Board was briefed regarding the latest plans for this July’s event and excitement is building for it! Bro Matt Bernard reported plans to handle Spanish interpretation, livestreaming, and other AV details. The Board approved the purchase of several pieces of AV equipment that can be used for future AMWCs.

The Board received updates regarding the work of Samaritan’s Purse in Israel, Sudan, and Ukraine as well as a brief follow up on the April CBC Disaster Rebuild trip to Kentucky. The Board approved a $5,000 gift for the Samaritan’s Purse work in relieving hunger in Sudan. It was also exciting to hear of plans to build a much larger building for the Miracle Fishing CBC congregation in Guatemala.

Representatives of Eder Financial made a presentation to the Board regarding their services and how they can benefit CBC congregations and ministers. In addition, each Committee shared a report on their latest activity. The Executive Board approved a motion that requires all CBC Regions to choose or appoint a Regional Elder by October 20, 2024. The Board heard an update on all the African churches and Bro Scott Kinnick will be traveling to Africa in June to meet with CBC leaders and pastors from DRC and Tanzania.

One of the highlights of the second day’s meeting was the approval of a Deacon Manual that will be available at the AMWC in July. One free copy will be distributed to each congregation and others will be available for purchase. After two days of reporting, discussing, worshipping and interacting, each Board member made his way back home on Saturday evening. Thanks to all CBC members for your continued prayers for your CBC Executive Board.