The Executive Board of the Covenant Brethren Church met by Zoom on December 16.  Bro Carl Brubaker thanked God for His blessings and prayed for the new leaders about to be installed in the United States.  He praised God for the coming of Jesus at Christmas and for the salvation He brought.

After approval of the minutes and treasurer’s report, the Board ordained one minister and licensed two others and welcomed two individual members.  The Board was also briefed on the developing plans for the Annual Meeting and Worship Conference.

Brothers Grover Duling and Scott Kinnick shared an exciting report on their recent visit to the CBC congregations in Puerto Rico. They received a very warm welcome and enjoyed Christian fellowship and look forward to continued partnership.

The Board also discussed plans to advance the Ministry Training Plan and the Mission Committee shared various needs to be met once funds become available.  Bro Scott also provided updates on international CBC congregations and on his and Bro Grover’s upcoming trip to meet with inquiring pastors in Columbia, South America.  All CBC members are invited to keep their travels and these meetings in your prayers.

In other business, the Board heard updates about ongoing disaster work in the Southern Region and Board members reported on their recent church visits.  Board members shared Christmas greetings before Bro Craig Alan Myers closed the meeting in prayer praising God for His provision and prayed for God’s blessing on all CBC ministers, congregations, and members.  He thanked God for the Gospel Peace that changes hearts and minds and prayed for God’s help in being His ministers of reconciliation.  He asked for God’s help in celebrating Advent and Christmas Day and thanked God for Christ’s soon return.

Thank you for your continued prayers for CBC and for the Executive Board who wishes each CBC member and congregation a Happy New Year.

Submitted by George Bowers, Executive Board Secretary