Your CBC Executive Board met via Zoom on February 24 and again processed much business. The highlight of the meeting was the approval and reception of 19 new congregations! Yes! 19! Eleven of these are the first CBC congregations in South America and they are all in Venezuela. Their pastors had met earlier with Bros Grover Duling and Scott Kinnick to go over the Statement of Faith and they have now been officially approved. Among their inspiring congregational names are the Spanish equivalents for “Inexhaustible Fountain,” “Manna from Heaven,” and “Temple of God.” Bro Scott shared how God is at work breathing revival throughout that country!
Seven more congregations were approved from Burundi and one in the United States (Community Mission in Woodstock, VA) bringing the total CBC Congregations to 179. Three individuals were approved for ordination and one for licensing raising the total ministers credentialed to 200! In addition, one person was approved for individual membership. God is at work in the Covenant Brethren Church, and it is exciting to be a part of what He is doing!
In addition to the approval of the minutes and treasurer’s report, it was shared that the Brethren Mission Fund has approved a grant to partner with CBC to support a women’s sewing project in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. CBC congregations and individuals are encouraged to consider how they can support this project as well as the Brethren Mission Fund. Sadly, Bukavu is currently under siege by rebel forces and the Board approved funds to help pastors who had been trapped in one of our church buildings there. Please pray that they will soon be able to return home.
In other business, Bro Grover shared an update on a February mission trip to Guatemala that saw a record 43 cook stoves installed in homes in addition to the distribution of Bibles and food. There was also an update from the Annual Meeting and Worship Conference (AMWC) planning committee and plans are being finalized with various speakers, session leaders, and worship participants. Registration will soon open for this with complete details.
CBC Membership resources have been distributed electronically and will soon be available in print form as well. Interested congregations should contact Sister Christy Cosner with the number needed and copies will be available at the AMWC also. In addition, after a few months of review, the Executive Board adopted an official Code of Ethics that will guide their work, ministry, and relationships.
Church visits and updates were shared, and the next meeting date was set for April 1. Bro Carl Brubaker closed the meeting with prayer, thanking God for His favor and guidance and praying for His continued blessing. All CBC members and congregations are encouraged to continue to pray for your Executive Board as we handle monthly business for the denomination. It is very exciting to see all that God is doing but it is sometimes difficult to keep up with Him! To Him be all the Glory!
Submitted by George Bowers, Secretary of the CBC Executive Board