The CBC Executive Board met by Zoom on January 28. Bro Jeremy Dykes opened in prayer and the minutes and treasurer’s report were approved. The treasurer duties have now been completely transferred to Bro Carl Brubaker and all future donations should be mailed to him at: CBC Treasurer, P.O. Box 22, Lititz, PA 17543. The Board expressed great appreciation to Bro Fred Shank for his faithful service to CBC since, and even before, its founding.
Three new congregations in Rwanda were approved along with the licensing of two ministers. These additions bring CBC totals to 160 congregations and 12,336 members worldwide with 196 ministers credentialed to date. God continues to work drawing many to CBC! Bro Grover also shared a list of proposed instructors for each of the remaining modules in the CBC Ministry Training Plan. Following the approval of the Board, these instructors are already beginning to prepare their modules to train CBC ministers.
The Annual Meeting and Worship Conference (AMWC) planning committee reported on exciting progress with theme information to be released soon along with preconference session offerings and registration details. This year’s conference will be July 17-19 at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, North Carolina and Bro Will Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will be the keynote preacher on Thursday night while Bro Craig Alan Myers will keynote on Friday. Bible Study and devotional leaders are being lined up.
Board Chair, Bro Grover Duling, and Vice Chair, Bro Scott Kinnick, then shared an exciting report on their recent trip to Colombia, South America where they met with 16 pastors from Venezuela who are interested in CBC. They joined with Bro Jose Calleja of Puerto Rico CBC to conduct Bible Studies as well sessions on the Statement of Faith. The Venezuelan pastors shared heartbreaking stories of poverty and starvation in their communities. In addition to funding the travel of these pastors to attend this meeting, the Executive Board approved $500 for each of these pastors to feed their families and their communities. Please pray for each of them as they seek to be faithful to Jesus and to His church in very difficult circumstances.
The Executive Board also approved recommendations from the Missions Committee to provide $700 to help fund the CBC Conference in the Democratic Republic of Congo and $1,400 for the East Africa CBC Leader’s Conference. In addition, the Board approved the recommendation to send $1,000 each quarter to the CBC Belen School in Puerto Rico to assist with utilities. If you or your congregation would like to partner with National CBC to fund these initiatives, please send your gifts to Bro Carl Brubaker at the address above specifying their intended use.
Bro Scott provided an update on international CBC congregations and that several more are interested in joining CBC. He also reported on his upcoming preaching and teaching trip to Panama and the Board approved funding for his expenses.
After months of review, the Board finalized approval of CBC Church Membership Resources. There are both student and leader editions and these can be accessed electronically and print copies will be available soon. Special thanks to Bro Lee Smith who prepared these booklets and who will present a pre-conference session on their use at the AMWC this summer. Electronic versions have recently been emailed to pastors and congregations.
Following other announcements and updates, Board members reported on recent visits to congregations and set the date for their February meeting. Bro Fred Shank closed the meeting in prayer. Thanks to each of you for your continued prayers for CBC and for our congregations, ministers, and members and for all the various ministries God is inspiring and praise Him for His abundant blessings!
Respectfully Submitted, George Bowers, CBC Executive Board Secretary