As Christians, we often wonder what heaven will be like. We read and learn in the Bible that it is certainly a wonderful place that we long for. What will we do when we get there? It makes for an interesting conversation to discuss what would we like to do when we get there. We often hear things such as: “I want to ask about a certain Bible passage,” “I want to be reunited with my family or friends,” or “I want to see Jesus’ nail scars.” And there are many more things that we could list. Here is one that we don’t hear very often: “I want to work there, to serve”. Yet in Revelation 7:15, it reads: “…they serve Him day and night in His temple.” It is clear that one of the rewards of heaven is service to God. In Matthew 6:10 we pray for God’s will to be done “…on earth as it is in heaven.” So, we should put action to our prayers. We should not wait until we get to heaven to serve God. We should serve Him now. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, there is work for the Church to do now.

At a recent Youth Rally, the idea of service as a blessing was presented to our young people. We found that the Youth of the Church are eager to serve. The born again, Christian young person is not only the future of the Church, but is part of the Church now. Let’s give them opportunities to serve the Lord. We need to nurture, teach, and encourage the Youth of our Church.

Pictured are some of the Youth at our recent Youth rally in the Southern Region of the Covenant Brethren Church.

Scott Kinnick – CBC Executive Board member