One of the coolest aspects of growing up in a Taxidermy Shop was the excitement of unexpected arrivals. When customers entered the door, we never knew what they might bring for Dad to mount. We saw African antelope, American turtles, western elk, and southern snakes. However, some of the oddest creatures were a few two-headed calves from local farmers. The old maxim that two heads are better than one fails in this case, for almost without exception, these unfortunate creatures die before, during, or shortly after birth because of the multiple complications involved.

On a local farm in the 1970s, a young Hereford calf was born with this deformity. It had two mouths, two noses, four ears, and four eyes, but only one neck and body. Tragically, it not only died at birth, but it also caused the death of its mother.

Imagine the difficulty such a living calf would have. One mouth might crave corn while the other is determined to graze grass. One brain might want to jump forward while the other desires to lie down. Two eyes try to turn right for a better look while the others are locked to the left. Such a critter would have a miserable existence constantly battling competing interests.

These animals remind us of an important lesson Jesus taught when He said, “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” And He was so right.

Jesus went on to identify two masters who vie for control of every person when He said, “You cannot serve both God and Money.” Setting a goal to become rich while remaining faithful to God usually results in the demise of one or the other. While there is nothing inherently wrong with wealth, making it a master eliminates pleasing God who told us to have no other gods before or beside Him. Like a two-headed calf, we end up trying to split in two opposing directions and one will eventually have to give.

Money is not the only competing master, however, as we all face various temptations. Sports and hobbies can grow from avocations into obsessions. Fame or popularity can also compete for headship and other people can even become gods. We can enjoy wholesome pastimes and we are to love and engage in relationships with others, but none of these are to take the place that only God should occupy.

When anything other than Jesus consumes our every waking minute or idle thought, it ought to warn us that our soul is out of alignment. While we think we can accommodate both interests successfully, one will invariably lead us in directions the other opposes and both will ultimately demand supremacy. As we contemplate the challenges a two-headed animal must face, let us remember to keep God first in all things, for no calf or person can ever successfully serve two masters.

By George Bowers, Executive. Committee