Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord, in one place…Father, we cannot cause unity to happen in our churches. You are the Author of Unity; but I am utterly persuaded that we can wait on you! In the upper room as they were waiting for the promise, they were waiting with a full expectancy that you would do what You said you would do! They obeyed your words to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Gift! Every time we want to divide ourselves; every time we want to be right in our own eyes, help us, Oh Lord to stop and change our minds and agree with your Word. It is worship, bowing to your word and presenting our bodies as living sacrifices that brings what you desire in our lives and the life of the church. In the precious Name, Jesus, Who has called us to be One! Amen
Please pray for the following congregations and pastors
- Karongi Congregation in RWANDA, Africa and pastor Niyongira Leonard
- Kasangati Congregation in UGANDA, Africa and pastor John Mwesigwa
CBC Prayer Committee