We Are Not Alone – Read John 14:15-18

Here we have the promise of Christ; though He has ascended to the Father He has sent the Holy Spirit to teach, empower, to be with us and in us! Every morning as we awaken to the dawning of a new day let us acknowledge our Lord as the One that orders our steps.

  • Pray for strength as we are Christ’s witnesses in the world.
  • In these days may we pray that the Body of Christ experience the presence, peace, comfort and assurance that only Christ can give.

Please pray for the following congregations and pastors:

  • Pray for each of our CBC Regions that have formed and that God would direct the leaders of each of them: Southern Region, Central Alleghany Region, Region Three, and the Blue Ridge Region.
  • Moscow Congregation in Mt. Solon, VA and Pastor Darren Howdyshell
  • Mt. Carmel Congregation in Scottville, NC and Pastor Dale Baugus

CBC Prayer Committee