It has been a cold winter in Pennsylvania this year. But I have good news. I know a modern-day prophet very well and he told me that we will have warm weather in early March. I know that it is not unusual to have warm weather in March, but this prophet told me this in late January when it was bitterly cold outside. The prophet’s name is Prince, and he is a gentle giant that weighs around 1,100 lbs. Prince, as you might have figured out, is a horse. How do I get prophies about the weather from a horse? He started to shed his winter coat. Prince was getting his hooves trimmed and I was distracting him with some hay. I was getting white hair all over me, and I asked why he was shedding when it was freezing outside. My farrier said when the horses start to shed, we are six weeks from warm weather. As I write this, my weather app is calling for it to get up to 67F on March 11th and up to 70F on March 12th. I have more faith in Prince than I do the groundhog from February 2nd.
Now I admit that calling a horse a modern-day prophet is a stretch, but I can’t help but marvel at how God created the seasons and how the animals and plants adapt to those seasons.
How can a horse know when it will get warm for the first time?
How do the Robins know when to fly north?
Why do some little yellow flowers come up when it is still cold out and others wait for warmer weather?
All this happens every year and it is easy to dismiss the changing of the season, but if you stop and look at all the little things that happen when we go from winter to spring, it is a glorious wonder. I don’t understand how anyone can believe this all evolved and happened by random chance.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- having been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Romans 1:20
So, this year, don’t take for granted that spring follows winter. Take some time to notice the wonders and beauty in creation that happen this Spring and give the praise to the only one who deserves it.
Jim Nolt – Executive Board