Last year with the donations of supplies brought by the people at the conference, the youth attending the CBC Youth Conference packed just over 100 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  While this was something the youth were excited to be a part of, we discussed the possibility of something different this year.  After some discussion, the idea was presented and we asked the people of the Covenant Brethren Church to bring items that could be packed in homeless shelter care packages. The youth would then take the items received and pack them in large Ziploc bags and present them to the Water Street Mission in Lancaster.

Items needed would be things like men’s and women’s socks. Small packs of men’s and women’s underwear (socks and underwear are the most requested needs at homeless shelters). Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, razors and shaving cream in small cans, small packs of Band-Aids, feminine hygiene supplies, shampoo, hard candy like peppermints, deodorant, baby wipes because they don’t always have access to water, a key chain can opener, chapstick, Slim Jims, belts, tissues – these always go quick, and hand sanitizer.

We will also print a card to go in each bag that lets them know this is provided in Jesus’ Name by the Covenant Brethren Church and it will have a quick gospel presentation on it. We desire to not just provide items to assist the homeless but to let them know that Jesus is watching over them and cares about them.

If you could help the CBC Youth by bringing these items to the Annual Meeting and Worship Conference the youth will pack them up and see that they get to the shelter.  Share this need with your church and begin collecting these items and let’s see what God will do with this project. There are many ways we can share Jesus and we want our youth to know that they can be part of that.

Submitted by Craig Howard – Youth Advisor and Publications Committee Chair