We are working hard to put together our list of people wanting to do a short-term Missions trip to Guatemala in June of 2024. We are trying to stay ahead of the curve this time for the purpose of saving money on transportation. To do that we need to have our group set early and be able to purchase plane tickets as early as possible.
To that end, if you are interested in going or any youth in your church are, please contact us as soon as you possibly can, hopefully before the end of 2023. Make sure you have a valid passport and the permission you would need from parents to go. You can contact Craig Howard at craig.howard@conveantbrethren.org and let us know what you are thinking or ask any questions you may have.
Short Term Missions in Guatemala has been one of the blessings of my life. Not just from going myself for over 20 years but in seeing the lives of the people who went along touched forever. I handed a 38-year-old mother of 3 boys, some pictures I found of her on one of our early mission trips. She looked at them and smiled then looked up with tears in her eyes and said, that trip changed my life.

Group loading food to distribute

Group after arriving in Guatemala 23
Do you know a teenager who could benefit from such a trip and is willing to go as a servant and not just an adventurer? If so, have him or her contact me and we will see what we can work out. If you are a youth leader, talk to your kids and see who my go. You will be glad with the person who comes back. One mother that went with us last year looked at me and said of her son, “who is this boy and what have you done with my son.” Her son had learned what it meant to be humble and selfless and to pitch in without being asked.
So contact me ASAP and let me know if you want to go or know of youth that want to go and we will start on making that dream a reality.
By Craig Howard – Youth Ministries Chair and Publications Team

Distributing food and bibles in Mt. Church

Youth passing out food