To all Youth of the Covenant Brethren Church. Saturday August 12 at 9:30 a.m. will be the next online National Youth Bible study on Zoom. All youth of the denomination are invited. Youth leaders are encouraged to bring their youth together that morning and log on together if you have the facilities to do that. To log on is simple. Go to and download the App. Then go to join a meeting. Enter the following information in the appropriate place and join the meeting.
** Please email for meeting information.
We really hope to see many youth there but understand, this is a meeting for youth, led by youth. Craig Howard, our president of the national youth fellowship committee, will be monitoring the study but will not be leading it or joining in unless asked by the youth. Adults will be asked to stay silent if they are present with their youth groups. Other adults are asked not to log in as this will only intimidate the youth present and limit discussion.
We hope to see a good group of Youth participate.