Another of our new regions has passed an historic milestone in the life of the Covenant Brethren Church. Region Three has had its first annual regional meeting and with that the churches of Region Three have taken a huge step forward. This marks another milestone in the life of the denomination as we continue to see the organizational aspect of the denomination develop. This development better equips us to do ministry and to carry the message of the Gospel forward in the areas of the four regions now in existence. This will enable the region to more easily disseminate information to the local churches, keeping them abreast of what is happening on a national level.

Lee Smith provided the keynote message, and the conference spent time filling some of the teams that will support the board in ministry as sub-committees.

The meeting was well attended. It included a wonderful time of fellowship and worship with special music. The region held its first election of officers and passed its new constitution. The spirit in the meeting was up-beat with many smiles on the faces of those in attendance.

Because they had not yet elected a moderator, Pastor Joe Brown led the meeting with reports on what has been happening in the region by various member of the executive board. As the group moved through the business of the region, they seemed to be of one mind with a desire to honor God in what they were doing.

As these regions continue to develop by adding churches and calling people to service, one can’t help but be excited about how God is blessing this young denomination.

Craig Howard – CBC Publications Committee