Our first church in the state of Michigan has joined the Covenant Brethren family. On Tuesday, December 5, Brother Craig Alan Myers and Sister Laura Myers journeyed to the Sugar Ridge Church in Custer, Michigan to present its Covenant Certificate to the congregation as they became one of the newest CBC member churches. Not only are they one of the newest congregations within the Covenant Brethren family, but they are the first CBC congregation in the state of Michigan.

Brother Myers shared a message with the church entitled “A People Called Brethren.” Following the sermon, acting on behalf of the Covenant Brethren Church Executive Board, Craig Alan presented the Covenant Agreement Certificate. Ron Wood, the church’s interim board chair, received the certificate on behalf of the congregation.

This was followed with a circle of prayer for the congregational leaders to ask God’s blessing on them as they start this new path within CBC. This is a church that Brother Myers has worked with over the past few years as it made the transition to CBC.

Sugar Ridge has no pastor at this time and is earnestly seeking that leadership. Please be in prayer for this body of believers as they continue in this search, praying that God will guide them to the pastor they need.

There are other churches that are in need of reporting on, or soon will be. CBC is growing and your prayers are needed as the leadership seeks God’s wisdom on developing the needed tools and guidance to equip these churches for success. Other churches continue to inquire about being a part of the Covenant Brethren denomination and regions are still developing their plans to provide fellowship and guidance. Please pray that God will be glorified as we proceed.

Submitted by Craig Howard – Publications Committee