The Executive Board of the CBC met on Monday, May 20 by zoom with all members present.  After Bro Jim Myer opened with prayer, the minutes and treasurer’s reports were shared and approved.  One of the highlights of the meeting was processing the Ministerial Leadership Committee recommendations.  The Executive Board unanimously approved the Mt. Zion (Linville, VA) congregation as well as ordination for Bro Lewis Ponga Umbe and Bro Sudi Mbula Martin, both of the Democratic Republic of Congo.  Also unanimously approved for ordination was Bro Gustavo Bueno Lendi of the Dominican Republic and Bro George Wanjala of Tanzania for licensing.  The Board also welcomed Sister Teresa (Terry) Kauk of California as an individual member.  These additions bring the CBC congregations to 136 and 185 individuals have now been credentialed.

Bro Grover Duling reported that 201 individuals have registered already for the Annual Meeting and Worship Conference this July and that plans are moving along rapidly for the event!  The Deacon Manual should also be available at the AMWC.

Bro Craig Alan Myers reported that the Ministry Training Plan is coming together as the first two courses have been prepared and released and the third is in the works.  Future courses and teachers are also being planned.

Bro Scott Kinnick shared an update on the African CBC congregations and he is traveling to visit many of them the first week this June.  An update was also shared on the newly formed Susquehanna Region in PA.

Various Board members shared recent and upcoming congregational visits before the next meeting date was set.  Bro Fred Shank, Treasurer, closed the meeting in prayer thanking God for His blessing, His Son, and His Word and asking for many souls to be won to Jesus both here and abroad.  Thanks to each CBC member and church that prays for the Executive Board and please continue to do so!

Respectfully Submitted, George Bowers, CBC Executive Board, Secretary