Weekly Prayer Point

Weekly Prayer Point2023-11-05T11:32:41-05:00
Sep 182022

Weekly Prayer Point – 9/18/22

September 18th, 2022|Weekly Prayer Point|

In the seven weeks from August 29 through October 10 your CBC Prayer Committee is asking you to read Matthew 6:5–13 and to pray according to the model prayer which Jesus gave His disciples. Week Four – PROVISION - Read Matthew 6:9 - 13 Verse 11 - “Give us this day our daily bread.” Let us give thanks for God’s goodness in supplying every need in our lives. Let us declare our dependency upon Him. As we pray and petition let us do so according to God’s will. CBC Prayer Committee

Sep 112022

Weekly Prayer Point – 9/11/22

September 11th, 2022|Weekly Prayer Point|

In the seven weeks from August 29 through October 10 your CBC Prayer Committee is asking you to read Matthew 6:5–13 and to pray according to the model prayer which Jesus gave His disciples. Week Three – PRIORITIZE - Read Matthew 6:9 - 13 Verse 10b - “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Pray that your life will reflect the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Asking that you may be renewed day by day allowing the Lordship of Jesus Christ be seen in all that you say and do. Pray for your family, congregation, workplace, city, state and nation. CBC Prayer Committee

Sep 42022

Weekly Prayer Point – 9/4/22

September 4th, 2022|Weekly Prayer Point|

In the seven weeks from August 29 through October 10 your CBC Prayer Committee is asking you to read Matthew 6:5–13 and to pray according to the model prayer which Jesus gave His disciples. Week Two – PURPOSE - Read Matthew 6:9 - 13 Verse 10a “Thy kingdom come” Ask God to give perspective beyond the walls of the local church, remembering John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world…” Pray for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Pray that our congregations become “Houses of Prayer Pray for the worldwide furtherance of the Gospel and salvation in Jesus’ name. Pray that the church might become a House of Prayer for all Nations. Ask God to give you a Global Perspective for what He is doing in the nations. CBC Prayer Committee

Aug 282022

Weekly Prayer Point – 8/28/22

August 28th, 2022|Weekly Prayer Point|

In the seven weeks from August 29 through October 10 your CBC Prayer Committee is asking you to read Matthew 6:5–13 and to pray according to the model prayer which Jesus gave His disciples. Week One – PRAISE - Read Matthew 6:9-13 Verse 9 “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name ” Let us focus our attention on God our Father Who He is His love and faithfulness toward us Be specific in our thanksgiving for what He has done Finally may His name be holy in our lives and in the world CBC Prayer Committee

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