Greetings from your CBC Disaster Coordinators
Greetings from your CBC Disaster Coordinators, Mark Teets and Brenda Harvey! Recently this question was placed on the CBC [...]
Greetings from your CBC Disaster Coordinators, Mark Teets and Brenda Harvey! Recently this question was placed on the CBC [...]
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that [...]
Pray for the CBC Ministry Training Committee as they develop and deliver the Ministry Training Plan for licensed ministers [...]
The Executive Board of the Covenant Brethren Church has been hard at work taking care of the administrative tasks [...]
What a blessing it is for any family to welcome new members into it. Whether it is infants or [...]
My life is busy. Work, family, church, friends, meetings, and the list goes on. I am often driving from [...]
Pray for God to direct the work of the CBC Annual Meeting and Worship Conference Committee and for God [...]
The Covenant Brethren Church has taken another step in our partnership with Samaritan’s Purse to aid in responding to [...]
The old Model T Ford didn’t have a left front door, but it looked like it did. You could [...]
Thank God for mothers and pray for the Holy Spirit to empower each mother in the CBC for all [...]