Have you always wanted to take a mission trip to another country but were afraid? Have you always wondered about being in a different culture and finding yourself in the minority? Have you always wanted to see how God might use you to minister to another land but were intimidated by changing money, getting a passport, speaking another language, and so on? Well, we might just have an answer for you.
This year the Covenant Brethren National Youth Ministry program will sponsor a mission trip to Puerto Rico. What is different about that than other mission trips? First, Puerto Rico is a US territory, meaning you do not need a passport, just a driver’s license or state ID that you can get at any Department of Transportation location. As for money, the US dollar is the official currency there. Also, if you are stressed about not being able to communicate, English is the official language of PR. While Spanish is the most widely spoken language, you can always find someone who can speak enough English to get by.
While we are there, we will be serving the Covenant Brethren Churches located there in various work projects but will also have time to see the island and enjoy its beauty. We are still trying to work out the details of the trip and do not have a solid number for the cost, but we expect it to be between $1,200 and $1,500, depending on the projects and the cost of transportation.
If you or someone in your church is between 9th grade and a sophomore in college and would like to be put on the list to make the trip, please contact Craig Howard at craig.howard@covenantbrethren.org, and we will put your name on the list and start putting our team together. We have several adults who will go, both men and women who have a lot of experience on short-term mission trips.
Please let the youth of your church know about this opportunity and ask them to prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve Christ. We will cap the group around 20 to 25 so first come first serve.
I promise it will be a time of blessing as we can bless others.
Submitted by Craig Howard – Publication Committee