
Join Covenant Brethren Church

For churches or individuals that are interested in becoming part of CBC

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith of the Covenant Brethren Church


Bylaws of the Covenant Brethren Church

  • Ever since I was a little tike, I have loved being around and in water. My mother told a story of going to a swimming pool when [...]

    Published On: June 10th, 2024|

Weekly Prayer Point

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17)

Lord it has been a busy day. Much has been done; much yet to be done. Thank You for the strength, courage, and order that you have brought into our day. A day too often filled with weakness, fear, and difficulty in deciding which way to go. I thank you for those divine appointments where the name of Jesus could be shared with family, friends, and the stranger in the checkout line at the grocery store. Thank You for those moments of decision where the Holy Spirit gave the courage to stand for what is acceptable and right in Your sight.

Thank You Lord, for the contentment, peace, and joy in knowing that You are with us every moment of every day; in those early morning hours as the sun greets us and, takes its place in the heavens; to the fleeing moments of the sun disappearing behind the mountains. The light disappears; replaced by the moon and stars that shout “Great is the Lord!”

Heavenly Father, as our day has been filled with much doing, thank You for the truth of Your Word setting us free to soar like the eagle, for the song that puts the smile on our face, and the joy that fills our soul! It has been a busy day. Thank you Lord. Amen!

Please pray for the following congregations and pastors

  • Red Creek Bethel Congregation in Davis, WV and Pastor John Moyers
  • Rhama Congregation in Democratic Republic of Congo Africa and Pastor John Ngoy Kupendwa

CBC Prayer Committee

Annual Meeting & Worship Conference 2025

The 2025 CBC Annual Meeting & Worship Conference is to be held at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, North Carolina; July 17th through July 19th 2025.

July 17th - July 19th, 2025

Upcoming Events

CBC Youth

Upcoming Mission Trip to Guatemala


Youth seeking spirituality, seeking answers and deeper connection.

Youth News

Youth Upcoming Events

Youth Bible Study

Partner Agencies

Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse is an national evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual..

Harvest USA

Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families..