Reflections on the CBC Annual Meeting
The second Annual Meeting and Worship Conference of the Covenant Brethren Church (CBC) was held at the Fairmont State [...]
The second Annual Meeting and Worship Conference of the Covenant Brethren Church (CBC) was held at the Fairmont State [...]
Please ask the Lord to protect and encourage His people in China. - CBC Prayer Committee [...]
The second Annual Meeting and Worship Conference of the Covenant Brethren Church (CBC) was held at the Fairmont State [...]
In just a few short days Brethren from all over our nation will meet together in Fairmont, WV for [...]
Please pray that God will bless our second Annual Meeting and Worship Conference. - CBC Prayer Committee [...]
Recently, the Covenant Brethren Church had the joy of adding two new congregations to our number in the same [...]
My “Memorial Day Picnic” was mowing my yard with my push mower, which, in 90 degree heat was no [...]
Please pray that God will protect and encourage His people in North Korea. - CBC Prayer Committee [...]
On June 4th 2022, fourteen men of the Covenant Brethren Central Allegheny Regional Disaster response team met near Maysville, [...]
Queen Esther was requested by Mordecai to approach King Xerxes on behalf of the Jews. (Esther 4:12) As the [...]