The attendance, masking, and social distancing restrictions for the CBC Annual Meeting, Sept. 10-11 have been lifted. This means there are no requirements for [...]
Calling all youth interested in The Covenant Brethren Church. This year will be a history making year for the youth of CBC at the [...]
Thursday night, the 17th of June, Grover Duling, Gary Clem and Craig Howard traveled to the Center Hill Church of the Brethren near Pittsburg, [...]
There were 4 congregations present for a meeting in Northern Indiana where Covenant Brethren Church leaders were invited to come and explain the ministry, [...]
A meeting took place made up of former West Marva Churches met at the Oak Dale Church on May 21, 2021 with the intention [...]
Responding to our Lord’s call to reach out to an unbelieving and hurting world, recently the CBC Executive Board made the decision to dedicate [...]
This past April the Executive Committee of the Covenant Brethren Church met in Fairmont, West Virginia, to look toward the future of CBC and [...]
Recently, in a presentation to a local congregation, a member of the Executive Board of The Covenant Brethren Church (CBC) was asked about the [...]
On October 23, 2020, 175 people met from all over the country at the Antioch Church of the Brethren in Woodstock, Virginia, for the [...]
Dear Friends in Christ: Warm Christian greetings to all those who are supportive of the Covenant Brethren Church (CBC). May the glad tidings and [...]