Weekly Prayer Point – 04/01/24
During the month of April the chilly winds of winter fade and the long nights give way to longer days. It is also a time when we begin to think of and make preparations for planting. There is a process that is followed that takes us from tilling the soil to harvest. The first thing one must do is prepare the soil. When we till the soil, we break through the hard surface. Let each ask, “What has hardened my heart? What clumps block the way when I try to open my heart to Jesus?” “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:1 – 2 NKJV). We ask the Holy Spirit to be with us as we dig deeper into the place where our relationship with Jesus grows. Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Bowden Family Worship Center Congregation in Bowden, WV and [...]
Weekly Prayer Point – 03/25/24
Pray for all CBC congregations and members as we celebrate the greatest miracle in history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Pray for resurrection power to fill each member and congregation and that we might share this Good News of Jesus with everyone. Pray also for God to provide for Christian Radio stations and that the seeds they plant will yield much good fruit for God’s Kingdom. Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Bonde La Baraka Congregation in Tanzania and Pastor Haruni Malogo Boones Creek Congregation in Johnson City, TN and Pastor Scott Kinnick CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 03/18/24
Pray for all CBC congregations and members who will be remembering the Lord’s death until He comes through Love Feast and Holy Communion this week and next. Pray that each of us might sense God’s real presence and peace and be inspired to share Jesus’ atoning sacrifice with others. Pray also for CBC’s partner ministry, Harvest USA. Pray for protection against vandalism and attack and for God to provide funding and personnel to meet all their needs as they help us and other believers minister faithfully in a sexually broken world. Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Bethel Congregation in Tanzania and Pastor Nancy Mtaki Mkungu Blue River Congregation in Columbia City, IN and Pastor Craig Alan Myers CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 03/11/24
Continue to pray for people in the war zone in the Democratic Republic of Congo, especially the cites of Goma, Sake, and Kiwanja where people are being killed innocently. Pray especially for protection, safety, and a Christ-like witness for our CBC brothers and sisters and our CBC congregations in that area. Pray for God to guide and bless our CBC Regions who are planning camps for youth this summer. Pray also for God to raise up the individuals who should participate in the CBC Youth Mission trip to Guatemala this June. Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Bermudian Congregation in East Berlin PA and Pastor Gary Firster Betel International Congregation in Morristown, TN and Pastor Libia Gutierrez CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 03/04/24
Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all Israel and for the 132 remaining Israeli hostages still held by Hamas from the October 7 attack to be released. Pray for wisdom for Israeli leaders and all world leaders and for all to know and recognize Jesus as Messiah and Savior. Pray also for God to provide a generous harvest at the God Loves You Evangelistic Crusade being conducted along the US southern border by Bro Franklin Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. It will continue through March 9. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move and convict all who have attended and who will attend and that many souls will be saved. Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Bashan Congregation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Pastor Buturi Majeru Alphonse Beaver Creek Congregation in Knoxville, TN and Pastor Jeff Jones CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 02/26/24
As we walk closer each day to the Father our prayers will begin to line up with the will of the Father. Our goal is to be so intent on His will that our tongues would not even be able to ask for things that are not according to His will! As we delight ourselves in Him, He will put His desires in our hearts so we know how to pray according to His character and will. (Psalm 37:4) Today, let us ask the Father , in agreement with His word, to put His desires in our hearts so we can pray with Him! Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Asher Glade Congregation in Friendsville, MD and Pastor Michael Saturday Amazing Grace Worship Center in Uganda CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 02/19/24
John 14:13 says,” I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. As our love grows for the Father, our desires should be that He would be seen in truth. Some of us have prayed in a selfish way that we would obtain glory and reputation. Let us pray that our love for Him would grow so that all we care about is His reputation. Today, let us pray that we have eyes to see His Will so we can pray in that agreement. Let us pray together Philippians 1:9-11 “ And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Bayamon Congregation in Bayamon, Puerto Rico with Pastor Lillian E. Reyes Ramos. Antioch Congregation in Woodstock, VA with Pastor George Bowers CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 02/12/24
Philippians 2: 9-11 When we pray in Jesus’ Name, we are praying to the Highest Authority in the universe! There is no other name to whom we could possibly bring our petitions. We can put our entire trust in His Name because there is no one greater than Him! When we pray in His Name, we are saying, “Daddy these are my desires and my cries but I totally trust Your will and Your judgement!” He is not far off…He is in your heart by the Holy Spirit. This Highest Authority dwells in you! My brothers and sisters let us pray that we have eyes to see Whom our God is!!! Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Nakaseke Congregation in Uganda, with Pastor Alexis Sempi Kasangati Congregation in Kampala, Uganda, with Pastor John Mwesigwa CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 02/05/24
Hebrews 10;19-20 We are told to come boldly into God’s presence that we might find help in our time of need. That confidence that we are instructed to have, when we pray, is a direct relationship with the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf. We come, not because of anything we have accomplished, but because Jesus is our intercessor who stands ready to make our petitions known to the Father. When I pray in His Name I trust Jesus to make my halting tongue line up with His perfect will and He will answer accordingly! This week, let us pray for our churches, for our families, and for our friends in His name because He made a way. Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Cristo El Senior Congregation in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, with Pastor Jose Calleja Otero Cristo Nuestra Paz in Castaner, Puerto Rico, with Pastor Norma Medina Aviles CBC Prayer Committee
Weekly Prayer Point – 01/29/24
Lord Jesus; we come before you this day to ask for divine strength and guidance for those that have been given the honor to bring your word to fellow believers. These special people have been given a desire to not only follow your word but explain their meaning. This is not an easy task because there are always those that have a better idea. But we are not to be ashamed of the gospel and God will always give power and grace to those that have been called. Amen 2 Timothy 1:8-11 Please pray for the following congregations and pastors Caimeto Congregation in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with Pastor Evelyn Rosario. Montesion Congregation in Las Marias, Puerto Rico, with Pastor Carmen M. Mercado Arce. CBC Prayer Committee