On December 28th pastors and leaders from approximately 18 churches within the newly formed Central Allegheny Region, gathered at the [...]
There is a recurring question that has been coming up as Covenant Brethren Church leaders travel around to churches offering [...]
We are working to finalize the list of people desiring to make the trip in June of 2022 to Guatemala. We need to finalize [...]
The work of the church is sometimes exciting and sometimes routine. The same is true of the work of the national executive board of [...]
Running a denomination, even a young, small one, takes hours of diligent work. Those you have called to serve on the Executive Board have [...]
Two churches of the Covenant Brethren family recently participated in some unique ministries that may be something your church would want to consider for [...]
Grover Duling, Craig Howard, Randy Cosner, Craig Allen Myers and others continue to answer the call to go to churches and present the history [...]
October 24 and 31 were benchmark days in the lives of two congregations, the Frostburg Covenant Brethren Church and the Center Hill Covenant Brethren [...]
Maranatha is one of our newest congregations in the Covenant Brethren Church and it is also the greatest distance from our headquarters in Fairmont. [...]
On October 10th another new church and pastor were added to the Covenant Brethren Church family. The Brake congregation in Petersburg, WV was formerly [...]